Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Richard Linche: 1548-1601, Sonnet II

SOON as the azure-coloured Gates of th’East
      were set wide open by the watchful Morn,
I walked abroad, as having took no rest
      (for nights are tedious to a man forlorn);
And viewing well each pearl-bedewèd flower,
      then waxing dry by splendour of the sun:
All scarlet-hued I saw him ’gin to lower
      and blush, as though some heinous act were done.
At this amazed, I hied me home amain,
      thinking that I, his anger causèd had.
And at his set, abroad I walked again;
      when, lo, the moon looked wondrous pale and sad.
Anger, the one; and envy moved the other,
To see my Love more fair than LOVE’s fair mother.


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